Xana Marwick


‘Marwick has drawn some remarkable performances from a bright brave cast’  
The Herald

Previously I have held engagement posts  with:
Royal Lyceum Theatre Company (Youth Theatre Leader and National Theatre Connections (Scottish) Regional Producer 2005 - 2008)
Platform, Glasgow, Easterhouse  (Drama  Artist /  Theatre Programmer  2010 -  2013)
Craigmillar  Literacy Trust  (Literacy Programmes’  Coordinator  /  Festival  Producer 2016 - 2017)  

As a freelance  engagement and participation specialist I have
worked  with:

National Theatre  Scotland
North  Edinburgh Arts Centre
The Arches
Ankur Productions
Sikh Sanjog
Toonspeak Young People’s Theatre
Edinburgh Young Carers Project
Youth  Theatre  Arts Scotland
Queen Margaret  University
City of Edinburgh Counvcil
Aberdeen City Council
Midlothian Council
Scottish  Executive / Choose Life, and others.    

Please see the Director page for  information on Youth Theatre  Productions
The cast of We Are All Just Human Beings at Different Stages in our Lives, Platform Glasgow.